연합성가대 연습 공지 11/30(토) 12:00pm, 12/7(토) 5:00pm, 12/8(주) 5:00pm
Joint Choir Practice 11/30(Sat) 12:00pm, 12/7(Sat) 5:00pm, 12/8(Sun) 5:00pm
연합성가대 연습 공지 11/30(토) 12:00pm, 12/7(토) 5:00pm, 12/8(주) 5:00pm
연습 장소: 한마음침례교회
Joint Choir Practice 11/30(Sat) 12:00pm, 12/7(Sat) 5:00pm, 12/8(Sun) 5:00pm
Location: Hanmaum Baptist Church
오전 9시 산책로 걷기 @6644 Tezel Rd, San Antonio, TX 78250
오전 11시 수제 버거 파티 @교회
9:00 AM Walking Trail @ 6644 Tezel Rd, San Antonio, TX 78250
11:00 AM Homemade Burger Party @ the Church
오전 9시 산책로 걷기 @ Culebra Trailhead: 8990 Grissom Rd, San Antonio, TX 78251
오전 11시 수제 버거 파티 @한마음 교회
9:00 AM Walking Trail @ Culebra Trailhead: 8990 Grissom Rd, San Antonio, TX 78251
11:00 AM Homemade Burger Party @ Hanmaeum Church
언제? 화,수,목 저녁집회 7:00PM/ 수& 목 새벽예배 6:00AM
어디서? 샌안토니오 글로벌 감리교회 (5705 Blanco Rd, San Antonio, TX 78216)
When: Tues. & Wed. & Thur. Evening Service 7:00PM~
Wed. & Thur. Early morning service 6:00AM~
Location: San Antonio Global Methodist Church (5705 Blanco Rd, San Antonio, TX 78216)
주제 & 강사? 회복/ 송태근 목사님 (삼일교회)
언제? 화,수,목 저녁집회 7:00PM/ 수& 목 새벽예배 6:00AM
어디서? 샌안토니오 글로벌 감리교회 (5705 Blanco Rd, San Antonio, TX 78216)
Theme & Speaker: Restoration/ Pastor Song Tae-Geun
When: Tues. & Wed. & Thur. Evening Service 7:00PM~
Wed. & Thur. Early morning service 6:00AM~
Location: San Antonio Global Methodist Church (5705 Blanco Rd, San Antonio, TX 78216)
장소: Texas Baptist Encampment @ Palacios
(수련회에 참석하시는 분들은 점심 식사 후 12:45분에 본당에서 짧은 모임을 갖겠습니다.)
Location: Texas Baptist Encampment @ Palacios
(For those attending the retreat, there will be a short meeting in the main sanctuary at 12:45 PM after lunch.)
날짜: 6/17(월) ~ 6/21(금) / 시간: 6:00PM ~ 9:00 PM
주제: Breaker Rock Beach (롬12:2)주변의 어린 자녀들을 함께 동원해 주시고 VBS를 위해 많은 기도 부탁드립니다.
대상: 한마음 교인 누구나 / 날짜: 8/8(목)-8/10(토)
장소: 텍사스 뱁티스트 인캠프먼트 (100 1st St, Palacios, TX 77465)
리트릿에 참여하기 원하시는 분은 교회 입구에 비치된 사인업 종이에 이름을 적어 주세요.
Date: 6/17 (Mon) ~ 6/21 (Fri)
Time: 6:00 PM ~ 9:00 PM
Theme: Breaker Rock Beach (Romans 12:2)
Please invite the children around you and pray for this event.
Participants: All members of Hanmaeum Church
Date: 8/8 (Thur.) – 8/10 (Sat.)
Location: Texas Baptist Encampment (100 1st St, Palacios, TX 77465)
If you would like to participate in the retreat, please write your name on the sign-up sheet provided at the entrance to the church.
날짜: 6/17(월) ~ 6/21(금) / 시간: 6:00PM ~ 9:00 PM
주제: Breaker Rock Beach (롬12:2) / 문의사항: 데쥬리 집사님
예수님을 믿지 않는 아이들에게 복음을 전해 하나님의 자녀가 되게 하고 예수님을 믿는 어린이들은 믿음이 자랄 수 있도록 하기 위해 마련하는 자리입니다. 주변의 어린 자녀들을 함께 동원해 주시고 VBS를 위해 많은 기도 부탁드립니다.
대상: 한마음 교인 누구나 / 날짜: 8/8(목)-8/10(토)
장소: 텍사스 뱁티스트 인캠프먼트Texas Baptist Encampment (100 1st St, Palacios, TX 77465)
리트릿에 참여하기 원하시는 분은 교회 입구에 비치된 사인업 종이에 이름을 적어 주세요.
3.점심식사 후 지정된 장소에서 목장모임이 있습니다. 설교 요약지에 있는 적용질문을 가지고 목원들과 풍성한 나눔의 시간 가지시길 바랍니다.
Date: 6/17 (Mon) ~ 6/21 (Fri) / Time: 6:00 PM ~ 9:00 PM
Theme: Breaker Rock Beach (Romans 12:2)
/ Please reach out to sister Desiree for any questions
It is an event prepared to preach the gospel to children who do not believe in Jesus, helping them become children of God and helping children who believe in Jesus grow in their faith. Please invite the children around you and pray for this event.
Participants: All members of Hanmaeum Church / Date: 8/8 (Thur.) – 8/10 (Sat.)
Location: Texas Baptist Encampment (100 1st St, Palacios, TX 77465)
If you would like to participate in the retreat, please write your name on the sign-up paper provided at the entrance to the church.
날짜: 6/17(월) ~ 6/21(금)
시간: 6:00PM ~ 9:00 PM
주제: Breaker Rock Beach (롬12:2)
문의사항: 데쥬리 집사님
– 데코레이션을 위해 사이즈 상관없이 빈 박스(any size Carboard boxes)가 많이 필요합니다!
– VBS기간동안 교사&발렌티어(약 20명) 저녁을 섬기시기 원하시는 분은 사인업 종이에 이름을 적어 주세요.
Date: 6/17 (Mon) ~ 6/21 (Fri)
Time: 6:00 PM ~ 9:00 PM
Theme: Breaker Rock Beach (Romans 12:2)
Please reach out to sister Desiree for any questions
– We need as many cardboard boxes as possible for decoration (any size is okay)
– If you would like to provide supper for teachers and volunteers (about 20 people) during the VBS, please write your name on the sign-up sheet.
Immediately after the service today (4/14), a group picture will be taken at the
sanctuary for all church members to commemorate the 30th anniversary.
지키시고 인도해 오신 하나님께 모든 영광을 돌립니다.
The church’s 30th-anniversary worship service will be held at 4:00 PM today. We
give glory and praise to God, who has protected and guided our church up to this
주시면 감사하겠습니다.
Except for those who are physically unable, we would appreciate it if our church
members parked toward the outer parameter of the church parking lot.
따라 혹 선물이 모자라게 되면 오늘 예배에 참석하지 못하신 분들께는 선물을 드리지
못할 수도 있습니다. 너그러이 양해해 주시길 바랍니다.
After the church anniversary service at 4 PM, one commemorative gift will be
distributed to each family. Depending on the number of attendees and gift
availabilities that day, those unable to attend the service may not receive one. We
appreciate your understanding.
Life series Bible study (12-week course) begins on Sunday (4/29).
예정입니다. 성도님들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.
A briefing session about the Ecuador Vision Trip will be held next Sunday (4/21) at
1:00 PM in the Children's Chapel. We hope that many of our members will
18장까지입니다. 성경을 꾸준히 읽고 묵상함으로 더욱 말씀으로 충만해지는 한주
되시길 바랍니다 (교회 들어오는 입구 책상에 통독 문제지 매주 비치).
The 2024 One Year Bible Reading Plan is in progress. This week's reading is from
1 Chronicles 24 to 2 Chronicles 18. We hope you have a great week filled with the
Word of God by consistently reading and meditating on the Bible (The Bible Reading
Questionnaires are available weekly on the entrance desk of the church).
We are deeply grateful to all the saints who worked hard to prepare for this evening’s
2 Kings 25 to 1 Chronicles 23. We hope you have a great week filled with the Word of God by consistently reading and meditating on the Bible (The Bible Reading Questionnaires are available weekly on the entrance desk of the church).
1.Thank you to all those who helped and supported church ministries (carpet cleaning, flower beds, children’s event, world map) throughout the week.
2.The Youth Night will be held on April 5th (Fri) from 6:30 PM. to 9:30 PM. (Dinner, Worship & Message, Games). Please encourage the youths in 6th grade and above around you to attend the meeting.
3.The church’s 30th anniversary worship service will be at 4:00 PM on April 14th (Sun). Please prepare with anticipation for this worship service to give glory and praise to God, who has protected and guided our church until now.
4.The Ecuador Vision Trip is scheduled for July. If you are interested, please inform Pastor Kim.
5.The 2024 One Year Bible Reading Plan is in progress. This week’s reading is from
2 Kings 1 to 25. We hope you have a great week filled with the Word of God by consistently reading and meditating on the Bible (The Bible Reading Questionnaires are available weekly on the entrance desk of the church).
연습장소: 새누리 교회 (7054 snowflake dr. TX, 78238)
연습시간: 3/23(토) 오후 5시, 3/30(토) 낮 12시, 3/31(주일) 오전 5시
Location: Saenuri Church (7054 snowflake dr. TX, 78238)
Choir Practice time: 3/23 (Sat) 5PM, 3/30 (Sat) 12PM, 3/31 (Sun) 5AM
연습장소: 새누리 교회 (7054 snowflake dr. TX, 78238)
연습시간: 3/23(토) 오후 5시, 3/30(토) 낮 12시, 3/31(주일) 오전 5시
Location: Saenuri Church (7054 snowflake dr. TX, 78238)
Choir Practice time: 3/23 (Sat) 5PM, 3/30 (Sat) 12PM, 3/31 (Sunday) 5AM
성경을 꾸준히 읽고 묵상함으로 새해 더욱 말씀으로 충만해지는 특권을 누리시기 바랍니다. (교회 들어오는 입구 책상에 통독 문제지 매주 비치)